
Monday, July 9, 2012

{Buffalo Chicken Rolls...Mmmm Mmmm}

I've always wanted to be one of those people that has a signature recipe.  You when you go to a cookout or holiday dinner and you just simply cannot wait for Auntie Dee Dee's world famous, and always raved about, macaroni and cheese to make its grand entrance.  The dish that people discuss beforehand, wondering and hoping..."I hope Aunt Dee Dee makes her mac n' cheese this year..."  And once they arrive and get word that it's almost done, guests sit around waiting for it to be brought out of the oven and people grin and get giddy when that aluminum foil reveals the yellow, cheesy, bread crumb-topped goodness that lies beneath it. 

I want to be that person and I want to have that dish. 

While I still think I'm on the hunt for that must-be-present food item, I do think I've found one that, for the time being, has at least been requested once or twice since making its debut.
{Photo credit: Can You Stay For Dinner}

I found these awesome buffalo chicken rolls on Can You Stay For Dinner and I made them with great apprehension, since cooking is not my personal strong suit.  While the recipe seemed simple...I'd never dealt with egg roll wrappers (which I actually couldn't find in my grocery store) or any other dough for that matter.  I substituted the wrappers with Athens Fillo Dough, and used mozzerella cheese instead of blue cheese crumbles, and got to baking. 

The chicken prep was super easy, and the dough was a cinch to work with.  Another simple substitution was vegetable oil instead of spray and vice versa.  And even though it felt like I was totally over-oiling, the key is to not let the dough dry out, and everything else will work itself out just fine.  Though...mine came out in all sorts of fun, miscellanous shapes and tasted just great.  And everybody just chalked it up to my quirkiness...if they even noticed at all.

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